Originally posted in Bidayuh.Info 21/06/2006
Yesterday (20/06/2006) , me and my father went to kpg Subang to have a closer look at the tragedy that struck few families. According to the reliable sources, the fire started at noon, while most of the man were out working. The fire spread so fast that in half an hour, the fire was already at its height, engulfing and detroying 12 houses and one ramin panggah (house of ceremony).
Luckily, no life was lost. Thanks God for that.
Combo picture showing the edge of the "ground zero". The pink house apparently was saved because the road separate it from the rampaging fire. However the other house eventhough still standing, lost the top part as the top part (1st floor was contruct of wood )

This totally wooden house also saved because of the road. However the soaring heat does damage part of the plank. Papan dinding jadi hitam disebabkan kepanasan dari api kebakaran. Papan dinding barisan tengah dah ditukar jadi nampak baru.

View of the "ground zero". However the tiang ta-ass sesco was spared.

Heap of metal, zing, tong gas, tin biskut, wire mess, bycycle and relic of our past, women's ornamental...

Another picture of the leftover after the fire. Tong gas, jar..motocycle..or what's left..

Inside view of the unfinished house. Belum siap tapi sudah dimakan api...

This bike, which was park nearby also slightly burn part of the plastic..also this hangar with a piece of cloth

This bath and restroom still standing..and when i check in, the water still running...

My attempt to photo-stiching the "ground zero"

Another shoot...

Staircase that leads to nowhere..this stair used to leads to one of the house..now..its gone with the fire...org kpg then sawn the remaining....and this hut, made of easily consumable bamboo ..was saved.

there are few more pictures to upload..but i need to go now...for those who is in Kuching area, or to be exact, Gereja RC St Ann Parish Batu 10, you may contact your Church Chairman should you want to donate..the anouncement should come out this sunday mass..
picture showing, villagers start clearing and collecting the debris of the aftermath..

partly burnt paddy grain...a collection of mug and a heap of fertilizer..

make shift pipe were laid down the hill for the user down the hill, to replace the original one which was burnt..

picture of two gongs..now reduced to wrecked piece of metal

this tanju and jambu tree was at the other side of the road, as you can see, part which face the fire had a heat mark on it, showing the intensity of the fire..

and retired before the time come..opps i means those plant.

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